What’s new:

This week President Trump issued a new permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. The previous approval he issued in 2017 has unfortunately been tied up in court, leading the President to take this new important action.

The President’s action is a big win for Montana and our nation. I applaud President Trump for his leadership and commitment in getting the Keystone XL pipeline finally built.

Why it matters:

The Keystone XL pipeline will create roughly 800 construction jobs and spur millions in revenue for Montana’s rural communities and schools. It will also bolster our national security by ensuring that more of our energy comes from allies rather than unstable parts of the world. It is a win-win project for Montana and our country.

What’s next:

President Trump’s decisive action will jump start the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. I will continue to champion this critically-important project until its construction is complete.