Baby holding finger

Let Newborns Die on the Table? Please Tell the Senate NO!

First, it was New York – passing a new law to allow abortions right up to the moment of birth.

Then, just three days ago, it was the Governor of Virginia defending “abortions” after the birth:


“The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired.” – Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA)

Thankfully, U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) has had enough. On Monday, he is bringing forward a bill to ban infanticide, or what he refers to as “fourth trimester abortions.” Your voice is needed to your two U.S. senators! 

His bill, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, could be voted on as soon as Monday.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Please urge your two U.S. senators to support this bill! You can send the message to both of them in just moments on our Action Center.
  2. Please share the Action Center link with friends, family, church members and other like-minded people. Because of the events of the last few days, NOW is the time to inform others and to flood the Senate with a resounding pro-life message!

Finally, here’s a part of the moving remarks that Sen. Sasse gave on the Senate floor:

“We’re talking about killing a baby that’s been born. We’re not talking about some euphemism; we’re not talking about a clump of cells. We’re talking about a little baby girl who’s been born and is on a table in a hospital or a medical facility, and then a decision or a debate would be had about whether or not you could kill that little baby. … This is infanticide that we’re talking about.

“Everyone in the Senate ought to be able to say unequivocally that killing that little baby is wrong. This doesn’t take any political courage. And, if you can’t say that, if there’s a member of this body that can’t say that, there may be lots of work you can do in the world, but you shouldn’t be here. … There should be no politics here that are right vs. left, or Republican vs. Democrat.”

Please stand with Sen. Sasse and take action today! 

The Family Policy Alliance Team

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