Sixty-seven years ago, a book called “The Circle of Intrigue” revealed the inner workings of a cultlike cabal of ten men, who comprise the Global Illuminati Conspiracy (GIC), which was founded by Rothschilds. Their family color is scarlet red … remember chilling background for Biden’s Oct. 2022 speech?). Rothschilds were soon joined by Rockefellers (Nixon, Ford, Carter). GIC controls secret organizations, such as CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergs (Clinton, Obama invitees), Skull & Bones (Bush, Kerry) and Freemasonry. CIA, KGB and British Intel enforce their directives.

Most presidents (not Trump … must go; JFK, “wayward servant”, had to go), prime ministers, royalty and even dictators, bow to ten diabolical men of GIC. Once a year, they plot population and financial control, ie. One World Order, issuing strict orders to a worldwide network. Bob Dole and Bill Clinton teamed-up to create GIC’s WTO. Sixty-seven years ago, the “ten supreme elitists” were by nations: 2 for USA (both Rockefellers), 1 for Canada, 3 for France, 1 for Austria (Rothschild orig. home), 1 for Great Britain, 1 for Spain and 1 for So. Africa. They see themselves as deity-like descendants of Greek, Roman, Egypt and Babylon … as pure globalists (open borders), worshipping one atheist/communist-like deity.

Even big “dark money” donors, like Soros and teachers’ union, get their marching orders from GIC’s ten pagans (“10 horns” in Rev. 17). For centuries, Rothschilds have controlled world banking, owning all but three Central Banks (aka Federal Reserve). Meyer Rothschild said, “Give me the right to issue a nation’s money and then I do not care who makes its laws.” With GIC (satanic), left wing/right wing it doesn’t matter. It controls countries by one party … The Money Party.